The Opinionated Investor™

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Tag: ProductManagement

  • Book Review: Sprint

    Book Review: Sprint

    Jake Knapp from Google Ventures popularized the idea of Design Sprints a few years ago. Intrigued to read a few use cases such as Blue Bottle Coffee, Relay Robotics, and Flatiron Health. Few interesting ideas from the book: 1. How Might We? <solve this problem> – It is a process where everyone in the team…

  • Book Review: Measure What Matters

    Book Review: Measure What Matters

    “If you’re trying to cut a man’s hair, he better be in the room.” – An African proverb. My favorite quote on why customers should always have a seat at the table from the book – Measure What Matters – one of the staples in Product Management. OKRs are a well known concept in the…

  • Learnings from 250 Platforms

    Learnings from 250 Platforms

    Everyone wants to build a platform business, but What makes a platform tick? 1) Trust2) Timing3) Premature dismissal of competition4) Mispricing on one side of the market. Are the most important factor that can determine success or failure of platforms, according to authors of The Business of Platforms. Internet Explorer had a 95% market share…

  • Book Review: The Design of Everyday Things

    Book Review: The Design of Everyday Things

    As a Product Manager, I’ve always been curious about design of everyday objects. Why certain design works whereas certain others don’t? The Design of Everyday Things is precisely the book on the topic. Ever wondered if you should push or pull a door to open? Ever turned on the stove burner only to realize few…

  • Women In Product Meetup

    Women In Product Meetup

    Had an amazing time attending panel discussion hosted by Yelp and The Expat Woman! Great to hear advice on wide array of subjects from building effective product roadmap to influencing people for effective career progression. Thank you Dejana Bajic, Mini Thangaswamy, Adithi Sampath, Dilani Kahawala, Coco Tang, and Georgina Kennedy for taking the time and…
