The Opinionated Investor™

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Free Trial Renewal Protection


< 1 min read

Mastercard won’t renew free trials of “physical products” such as vitamins or snacks.

I’ve personally been victim of free trial scam multiple times, and believe it to be a great step in the right direction of consumer protection. I wonder why not apply it across the board and include digital subscriptions as well?

As an MBA student, of course, I understand business ramifications of such a move. I’m curious to know how much actual revenue card companies and merchants will loose versus how much they can offset from new consumers who would love to have this feature? Not to mention, all the goodwill this will bring.

I for sure would want to buy a card that comes with this hassle-free feature. Hopefully, other major card companies such as Visa, American Express, Discover will follow the suit.

Would you buy a card that comes with “free-trial” renewal protection?

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Aman Kataria

Product Manager | Investor | Airbnb Superhost
