The Opinionated Investor™

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ScreenTime – Favorite Feature in 2018


< 1 min read

I was recently asked:

Q: “What was your favorite feature in a product in 2018?”

A: “Screen Time” hands down. As an MBA student always pressed for time, I’m always looking for best ways to optimize time at hand.

As soon as Apple released iOS 12 in September last year, I jumped on to the bandwagon to see how my usage pattern looks like. It is easy to get lost in the mystical world of web without realizing how much time you actually end up spending, and I myself have been victim of quick dopamine rush you get by clicking on just that “one” article about “Where pistachios are grown?”. (Yes, I like pistachios!)

A feature like ScreenTime is the absolute need of the hour for sustainable use of gadgets that are now vital part of our day-to-day lives. No wonder social media giants such as Instagram has recently come up with similar feature called “Your Activity” to let users track and limit their usage. Though reducing usage might impact the bottomline of these businesses, it is imperative that we find a sustainable solution for the long term growth.

I’ve been drastically able to reduce my screen time in recent weeks and one of my new year’s resolution is to keep it around 40-50 mins/day.

What’s your screen time usage?

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Aman Kataria

Product Manager | Investor | Airbnb Superhost
