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Customized Shampoo?


< 1 min read

Customer is king.

So what?

Let them design their own product!

We’ve all heard how “one size fits all” doesn’t work for most use cases and how personalization has increasingly become the key to ensure superb customer experience.

As we start to capture more and more data about one’s lifestyle habits using more and more sophisticated wearable devices, we’re moving towards a trend where consumers would literally be able to create their own products.

I see that as next big wave of change in consumer packaged goods segment where consumers would have the flexibility to customize products based on their own unique needs.

Drinks based on their sweat profile.

Shampoo based on their hair type.

Skin care products based on their skin type.

Multivitamin based on their diet profile.

Startups such as Prose and established players such as Gatorade, L’Oréal, and Procter & Gamble have already made a significant leap in the space.

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Aman Kataria

Product Manager | Investor | Airbnb Superhost
